Lena Neckel

Lena Neckel is a performer and theater educator with a focus on “physical theater”. She has been working in the independent scene in Bremen since 2021. Among other things, she deals with the topic of “physicality and emotionality” and how better personal access to it can have a positive effect on political/everyday struggles. Research on one’s own body, in relation to other bodies and public space (outside the classic, protected (rehearsal) stage are of great interest. She is also researching ways to make performing arts accessible to as many people as possible, for which she uses the means of street art, stilt walking, clowning and mask theater. To do this, she works with unperform e.V, tanzbar_bremen, antagon theaterAKTion and the mask movement theater.
The collaboration with tanzbar_bremen has existed since 2022, where she teaches the junior training, leads workshops and holiday offers. Since this year she has also been supporting the clown training and is on stage as a guest performer.