On Fridays 3-5pm at Plantage 13
Open dance and stage training on Fridays

Every Friday from 15:00 – 17:00 at Plantage 13
The regular dance and stage training has been offered once a week by different trainers since 2005. This training is for adults with and without dance experience. Amateurs and professionals of all ages from 18 years upwards are welcome.
Alongside a physical training, improvisation techniques are taught and own movement ideas can be developed. The aim of this offer is to provide a platform for people with different abilities to dance together and find individual physical forms of expression and performance.
The creation of different stage plays has been part of the training several times in the last few years. However, participation in the productions is not mandatory.
Trainers: Adriana Könemann with Anna Rödiger as well as guests lectures
Where: Plantage 13
Participation fee: 20 – 35 euros per month (depending on personal preference)
Registration: ak@tanzbarbremen.de
A free try-out training is possible.
Funded by: The Senator for Social Affairs, Youth, Women, Integration and Sport of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen.