Tuesdays from 6 – 7:30 pm at Plantage 13
Clowning course / „ClownsConnection“

Tuesdays from 18:00 – 19:30 ( except school holidays)
Plantage 13
Founded in 2015, this course teaches and deepens the basics of clowning. According to the motto “Everyone is a clown”, everyone gets the chance to interact with their own clown. In the free play, there is plenty of room for the outrageous, the cheeky, the slow, but above all: for diversity! The participants are guided by Lars Mindt and Adrian Wenzel: After a warm-up, games to get into the group and to ” release your mind” are offered. Then all participants can discover and try out improvisation tasks. There is always the opportunity to spectate each other and to present oneself to the others.
Out of the weekly course, the clowns’ show “Das passt” (2017) and “Das passt- immer noch!” (2019) were developed. With professional guidance, 5 clown duets were created and presented.
Due to the number of participants, the group is currently not able to accept new clown players. However, if you are interested, please contact: lm@tanzbarbremen.de